After two years of pandemic ministry, we at First United Methodist Church are excited to share
the Good News that several of our wonderful ministries are resuming this fall!! We are excited that
ministries like Chancel Choir, Family Promise, Children’s Sunday School, and many others are
beginning once again after a two-year hiatus. Small Groups will also begin in September. There are
many different ways to plug in! We hope you will join us as we begin this next season of our life and
ministry together.
Please take time to read through all of the wonderful things that are happening in our church
community and find a way to join us. Indeed, we are grateful that we are able to resume these
ministries and grateful to all the people who have worked diligently to bring us through the pandemic
to this new season! Let’s Celebrate this Good News together as we continue to grow, learn, and
serve as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Pastor AJ