Worship Sunday at 11:15am
Helpful Resources
Below are a list of resources to help those who are struggling or need assistance.
Food assistance:
Food & thrift pantries are available while you wait for SNAP and/or WIC, or as a supplement to that assistance.
Find a Pantry
a. Crossroads Urban Center
b. Hildegard Food Pantry
If you are in immediate danger of losing your housing:
Try to stay in housing if at all possible, it's very scarce and expensive out there, and shelter
space for families is limited.
2) Please immediately fill out these two housing forms.
a. Assistance with rent for up to 6 months: Case Management & Housing
b. Assistance with utilities: Heat Utility Assistance
3) If you haven't already, be sure to apply for SNAP immediately. This takes longer than it
should, but please jump through the hoops to get aid, as this automatically makes you
eligible for multiple other programs: Basic Information for SNAP (Food Stamps) Applicants
4) Also, if you haven't already, apply for Medicaid, for both yourself, your partner/spouse,
and/or any children you have. https://medicaid.utah.gov/applymedicaid/
5) If you have children ages 0-5, you can get extra assistance with food from WIC.
This must be done at the office, so please plan ahead for transportation: Apply for WIC
6) When you apply for housing help at Utah Community Action, you will be
assigned a case manager. Be sure to ask your case manager to help you apply for TANF one-time cash funding.
Please use this sparingly for transportation, as most programs don't offer gas money or bus passes.​
Adults & Couples:
Gail Miller, Geraldine E. King and Pamela Atkinson Resource Centers by 9:00pm
St. Vincent’s Overflow beginning at 7:00pm​
Families with children:
Call or walk in at the Midvale Family Resource Center anytime
Youth Ages 15-22
Youth Resource Center by 7:30pm
Shelter Addresses:
Family Resource Center – families with children: 529 W 9th Ave., Midvale
Gail Miller Resource Center – all genders: 242 W. Paramount Ave., SLC
Geraldine E. King Resource Centers – women: 131 E. 700 S., SLC
Pamela Atkinson Center – men: 3300 S. 1000 W., South Salt Lake
St. Vincent’s Overflow – all adults: 437 W. 200 S., SLC
Youth Resource Center – ages 15-22: 888 S. 400 W. SLC
For more information, call 801-990-9999